Industrial liquid chiller
Air cooled
280-1860 kW
ErP2021 – R513A (WSA) – R1234ze (WSI)
Screw Compressors

WSA is a range of air-cooled liquid chillers featuring high efficiency and low environmental impact with free-cooling technology and cooling capacities from 280 to 1860 kW.
Designed for 24/7, 365-day-a-year process cooling applications, the new WSA – WSI liquid chillers are characterized by one or two refrigeration circuits with stepless screw compressors (WSA) / inverters (WSI) and use plate or shell and tube evaporators with dry expansion and high heat exchange surface. The WSA/WSI range is characterized by high energy efficiency levels (Class A or B), complying with the limits required by Directive 2009/125/EC Ecodesign ErP 2021.
Thanks to the special W-shaped configuration of the microchannel heat exchangers and their sizing, it was possible to achieve specific power levels (kW/floor area) at the top of the category.
HT Version for High Temperature Water Applications (e.g. plastic)
The HT version’s refrigeration circuit is specifically designed to produce chilled water with evaporator outlet temperatures from +15°C to +25°C. The compressor has an enhanced motor, allowing wide.
Low Noise Version
Even in the Low Noise version, ideal for installations near residential areas, our units maintain high performance and significant energy savings, ensuring low noise levels. The compressor housing effectively reduces transmitted noise (-4dBA) thanks to a specific sound-absorbing composite material coating.
Chiller LT version for Ambient Temperatures Down to -20°C
Thanks to a sophisticated condensation control system based on partialization of the condensation surface and control of EC fan speed, the CHILLER LT version can operate in ambient temperatures as low as -20°C.
Free Cooling
WSA ErP chillers are available in an integrated Free Cooling version, which allows significant energy savings, especially in applications requiring high cooling fluid temperatures (plastic) and installations in cold or temperate climates.
By utilizing external air to cool the fluid, the Free Cooling system can entirely replace the refrigeration circuit, allowing the compressors to be turned off. The heat exchangers have been specifically sized to achieve a Total Free-Cooling Temperature (TFT) 10°C below the set point temperature. WSA – WSI units can be paired with FCB free cooling modules to maximize free cooling performance, further increasing the total free cooling temperature TFT.
Wide operating limits
Wide operating limits
Each application has different needs based on ambient temperature, fluid temperature, positioning, sound level, etc. Cosmotec is able to meet the most diverse needs, thanks to a wide range of options and the possibility to extend the operating limits of the WSA series chillers, if required.
Very hot and dusty environment
WSA chillers are equipped with metal air filters to protect the condensers from dust and dirt. Operation is up to +55 °C with Unloading function. 100% cooling capacity is guaranteed down to +45 °C. If the temperature rises, the unloading function switches off the compressors without shutting them down.
Very cold environment
the compressor compartment is closed and heaters are installed to protect the electrical panel, compressors, evaporator and the entire hydraulic circuit. Free Cooling goes down to -40°C (special execution) with specially selected components to guarantee long life to the chiller.
High temperature water applications (plastic)
the HT version cooling circuit is specially designed to reach high discharge temperatures. The compressor has an oversized motor that allows wide operating limits and high suction temperature.
Eco-friendly LOW GWP Version
WSA – WSI units are available in two low environmental impact versions ensuring a reduction in global warming potential: HFO refrigerant R1234ze (GWP = 7) classified as A2L, non-toxic, slightly flammable, and zero ozone layer impact (WSA-WSI). Refrigerant R513A (GWP = 572) classified as A1, non-toxic, non-flammable, and zero ozone layer impact (WSA).
Designed for process applications
WSA/WSI Techno is particularly suitable for the following sectors
WSA Techno is particularly suitable for the following sectors
Hydrogen / Renewable energy
Chemical / Pharmaceutical
Plastic / packaging
Compressed air treatment
Discover all our applications >
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