Making cooling greener: ecologic refrigerants

R513a gas: an Eco-Friendly solution for your system
The problem of global warming and the resulting climate change has become so important worldwide that many countries have expressed their intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by introducing specific decrees and regulations.
In particular, Regulation 517/2014 imposes a phase-down of HFCs, which play a significant role in increasing the greenhouse effect. The regulation aims at an 80% reduction of HFCs and a complete change of the refrigeration product range by 2030.
To be prepared for future challenges, we have analysed new refrigerant gases with much lower GWP (Global Warming Potential) values than those currently available.
Following evaluations for alternatives to the old kinds of gas used, Cosmotec decided to use R513a gas for its units, a highly energy-efficient, non-flammable (class A1) and non-toxic HFO with a GWP significantly lower than HFCs.
R134a GWP = 1430
R513a GWP = 631
Global Warming Potential
GWP (global warming potential) is a number expressing the potential impact a refrigerant would have on global warming if released into the atmosphere.
The GWP value compares the impact of 1 kg of refrigerant with 1 kg of CO2, over a period of 100 years.